Power Box
The Power Box is the heart of the entire system and the indicator of EasyMotionSkin’s strength. Connecting via Bluetooth with iOS and Android systems, controlling the power of impulses and performing the highest quality training. A number of advanced innovations inside the Power Box make wireless EMS training at your fingertips today. The combination of the Motion Skin, the Power Box and the application gives extraordinary, new possibilities in terms of training procedures. The time has come for wireless EMS training.

Heart of the system
The pulses defined in the training programs are within the scientifically proven range of low-frequency electrical stimulation from 7 Hz to 100 Hz. A modern, ultra-light lithium-ion battery, fully charged, is enough for about 20 workouts lasting about 20-30 minutes. With proper care, modern lithium-ion batteries can be recharged 700 to 1,000 times before experiencing a noticeable drop in power.
The smallest gym in the world!

Home Application
The intuitive user interface in the iOS and Android app makes it easy to control your EMS training with EasyMotionSkin.

Motion Skin
Extremely lightweight suit combines advanced technology and modern materials.

Home System
Experience fully dynamic EMS training – anytime, anywhere. Easy EMS training can only be done with numerous innovations.